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Origin Story: The Dream

In 2015 I had a very candid conversation with my instructor and at the time my life was essentially a wreck. Broke up with a girlfriend at the time, pretty much no income was coming in. I just felt kind of stuck in my life at this time, I just didn't know what the right move I should take in my life.

At that time I had finished my undergraduate program, and had the opportunity to pursue Law school, become a police officer, Teachers college or a Grad program to continue my studies, and one day be a professor within the sphere of law. I was interested in each of these avenues, but I was not really thrilled or passionate about any of these decisions. What I was passionate about was Martial Arts and competing as a fighter. However, I simple could not see that as a viable option.

"Ryan do you really think you can compete with these younger guys? can you make a living off of this? Your no spring chicken. How are you going to take care of yourself if you decided to become a fighter?

I was lost and didn't know what to do. Within the conversation I had with my instructor, he told me, when I was with my ex I was operating at about 30% of my potential. Now that there is no security net or feeling of safety and comfort, your operating at your potential. He started stomping his feet and grabbing equipment and things within the gym. He asked me what is this? He said:

These are real things. This equipment is real, this space, this gym is real, all of these things are real. You've got multiple things you can do, but they are stuck in your head. They are not real yet. There is no right answer, just options you can decide to do and follow. Whatever you decide is the right answer.

A few days after that he pulled myself and another instructor over to the front door of then Brampton Muay Thai 2.0. When I looked at the door I saw my name as Instructor P.C Ryan on the door. I was apart of something for the very first time, that was exclusively by my own decisions. Yes it was not anything super amazing, but it was to me. It was a paradigm shift for me. I saw something physical that showed the dedication and passion I had put into something. So I decided to take the plunge and go full force into.

This was not an easy process. I literally hit reset on my life in my mid to late 20's. I finally decided to collapse my options and focus completely on one. Become a Full-time Martial Artist. This was the hardest decision I could make because it was learning now to let go of all the other potentials, and who I could be, as well as telling others close to you of your decision.

If you can imagine, the conversation I had with my parents who helped put me through school were definitely not pleased with my decision to becoming a Martial Artist. It was a decision that was far from the traditional routes most people would take. It was uncharted territory for me. I was walking the road less traveled, but it was a path I was willing to tred through. Regardless of if I was successful or not it would all be up to me. I'm not necessarily an advocate of the slogan,

"Live Your Dreams."

Rather I'd say if your going to step out onto the road less traveled make sure it's something your passionate about. It is your passion that is going to sustain your drive to keep going despite all the ups and downs.

More to come about the Origins of Richmond Hill Muay Thai. Stay tuned for Part 2. The Lotus

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Cameron Mitchell
Cameron Mitchell
2019년 8월 19일

Richmond Hill Muay Thai is a very safe and friendly environment. The vibes are positive and conducive to developing martial arts and various life’s skills. In addition, RHMT is also family oriented and can be considered a safe space for kids who would like to experience the many positive benefits of learning the sport of Muay Thai. Head coach, and owner, Kru Ryan James is an accomplished Muay Thai practitioner and an experienced instructor/teacher with an innate ability to grow each student individually. I recommend that everyone give RHMT a try and discover a new, and fulfilling, approach to learning and mastering a martial art form.

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